But I believe that because of socks is the reason we have to wear them. Does that make sense? What I mean is, since we started wearing socks, our feet have become accustomed to having this nice fluffy, warm, protective covering on them. So this has caused our feet to become sensitive to the elements. Soooo, socks are the whole reason we have to wear them. Shame on those socks!
If we weren’t used to wearing socks, just think about where we would be. We would be able to run freely through the woods or sticker patch without it phasing us at all. Our feet would be so tough nothing would bother them. In fact we might have so much callous built up that we could possible wear metal people shoes, similar to horse shoes. You could just nail those puppies right on. But then that would defeat the purpose of not wearing socks and we’d be talking about why we wear metal shoes right now. humm.
So how do you decide on what kind of socks you want to wear? Everyone has their preference and it may range from long tube socks, to short ankle socks with the little puffy balls in the back. There is an endless amount of color combinations and patterns to chose from, it’s almost worse than picking out the days outfit trying to decide what socks to wear. But the thing is, once you’ve established your favorite, you’re pretty much stuck with it for life.
Personally I like crew socks, the white ones. The ones I prefer have a heel in them, unlike a tube sock. But they slip on real easy and aren’t to high up the leg, but aren’t down around my ankles either. Those little short ones always wind up slipping down into my shoes, can’t stand em!
I just now started thinking, that maybe the whole reason I wear socks is so I can feel that great relief after taking them off. There’s no better feeling than pulling off that pair of socks after a long day’s work. I can almost hear it right now, that velcro sound when they come unstuck from your feet! Then the fresh air hits your feet and you can almost hear them taking in a deep breath.
There’s kind of some irony to all this though. Athletes foot and other types of foot fungus I believe are started due to your feet sweating and not being able to breathe properly. Now that sounds like the work of a sock to me. So you have to sort of weigh out the goods and bads and make a decision. Are socks right for you? If I could go barefoot all the time I would, but I don’t think the folks at my work would dig that too much. Who knows, I might be able to start a trend.
Oh well, If you can think of some other unusual reasons why you should or shouldn’t wear socks, I’m excited to hear them.. leave me a comment!